Keep Your Ears Clean With This Handy Tool

Keep Your Ears Clean With This Handy Tool



Though your ears are naturally self-cleaning, most people prefer to help them out by removing excess wax outside the ear canal.

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Though your ears are naturally self-cleaning, most people prefer to help them out by removing excess wax outside the ear canal. As gross as it seems, cerumen (commonly known as earwax) has antibacterial and lubricative properties that protect your ears by filtering out dirt and dust. Motions like chewing help push out dried-up earwax from the outer section. This waxy buildup tends to fall out on its own or get washed away, but if you're frequently bothered by excessive earwax, a reliable ear cleaning tool may a useful addition to your daily routine.  

Symptoms of Clogged Ears

Too much earwax buildup can result in earache, tinnitus (continuous or sporadic ringing or buzzing in the ears) and even temporary hearing loss. If not removed, it can also lead to an ear infection that requires professional medical attention. In rarer cases, your earwax may become impacted, which means the ear canal in one or both ears is entirely plugged. However, there can be numerous causes of ear pain, so consulting a doctor is the best option if symptoms persist. An ENT doctor will be able to examine and drain your ear(s) with small suction or irrigation devices if necessary.

Why Not Just Use Cotton Swabs?

Earwax is produced outside the ear canal, so attempting to clean deep in the ear with a cotton swab or similar object can push wax deeper and cause serious damage. The tip of a cotton swab is too bulky for fine movements, and going too far inside with a pointy object may rupture your ear drum. Instead, consider using the Smart Visual Ear Cleaner to help remove excess earwax.

Benefits of the Smart Visual Ear Cleaner

Benefits of the Smart Visual Ear Cleaner

Instead of blindly poking around with a cotton swab, safely clear out earwax with the Smart Visual Ear Cleaner. It lets you stream 1080p Full HD video of the inside of your ear to your phone, allowing you to comfortably scoop out wax buildup using the included silicone ear spoons. A full charge enables 1.5 hours of continuous cleaning (or 45 days of daily use). Thanks to an IP7 waterproof grade lens, cleaning the device is as simple as washing it with water and wiping it down with rubbing alcohol. This handy tool is lightweight, easy to store and safe for kids and adults.

In addition, you can use this versatile device to check your mouth, throat, nostrils, scalp and other hard-to-view areas of the body. Use it to investigate early symptoms before deciding to head to the doctor. Video streaming requires the Yidio Visual app, which is available on the App Store and Google Play.

See the Difference

If you're looking for a simpler way to keep your ears free of excess earwax, add the Smart Visual Ear Cleaner to your personal hygiene toolkit. The range of features help you clean your ears more effectively in less time, and unlike using disposable cotton swabs, you only have to buy this device once — a safer choice for both your ears and the environment.

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